As China develops AI-enabled nuclear submarines, a dystopian surveillance apparatus, and trains their “brightest children” to develop AI “killer bots,” they’re also about to put newscasters out of a job. by Tyler Durden Fri, 11/09/2018 Meet Chinese state-run news agency Xinhua’s newest anchor: an artificial intelligence which never sleeps – […]

Please help out by signing this petition and give these people HOPE! Thanks and blessings, Martin.   SUPPLIED/JESSIE MCVEAGH Tanya Filia receives vitamin C intravenously at a clinic in Whangarei. Cancer patients are forking out hundreds of dollars for vitamin C infusions they say are providing quality of life – […]

euronews (in English) Published on Nov 4, 2018 Subscribe 618K Polarised campaign stimulates voter interest… READ MORE :… Trumpmania: President storms the States on final weekend On the eve of the US mid-term elections,’s Emma Reynolds reports from the trenches. The scene is pure theatre. A wall slides […]

A new bombshell video by Project Veritas is raising some legal and ethical questions for the Robert ‘Beto’ O’Rourke campaign. Campaign staffers for the Democrat running against Republican incumbent Ted Cruz in the U.S. Senate race in Texas appeared in the video to acknowledge using campaign finances to help illegal […]
