STOP INDUSTRIAL DAIRY EXPANSION There are already too many cows for our rivers and our climate to cope with. New Zealand urgently needs fewer cows but corporate dairy is so out of control it’s still trying to expand and convert more land into dairy farms, even in unique and fragile […]
“Storm clouds are gathering…Europe is moving closer to mandatory vaccination.”! by Jon Rappoport May 8, 2018 Storm clouds are gathering… First the solution—leave the European Union. Do it soon. Don’t knuckle under. Europe is moving closer to mandatory vaccination. The drive is spearheaded by a collaboration between the European Union […]
Lest we be accused of panic mongering, note the word “may” in the heading, and “could” and “might” in the report. Use discernment! Being sensibly prepared for the worst case is best. I speak from experience. Martin Here’s the AP story: SOPHIA YAN and SETH BORENSTEIN, Associated Press A Hawaii […]
Having junked one agreement, can the US President forge another? Dominic Green The Specator 12 May 2018 For someone so frequently denounced as a liar, Donald Trump keeps an awful lot of promises. In the 2016 election campaign, he promised that he would take the United States out […]
While I’m not entirely convinced this is a definitive explanation, it’s an interesting theory nevertheless. Universe Inside You Published on May 8, 2018 Mainstream historians will tell you that the Great Pyramid of Giza was a glorified tomb for the Egyptian pharaohs. The only original monument left of the original […]
Once upon a time, there was a wicked wizard called The Rocketman, who fired nasty rockets at his enemies. He also had lots of prisoners in his grim dungeon, and once people went into that dungeon, most of them were never seen again. Every now and then, one of these […]
More updates and Links from Jeff Wefferson in Hawai’i as Volcanic and tectonic activity continues. tel·e·ol·o·gy ˌtelēˈäləjē,ˌtēlēˈäləjē 1) PHILOSOPHY “the explanation of phenomena by the purpose they serve rather than by postulated causes.” 2) THEOLOGY “the doctrine of design and purpose in the material world.” RELATIVE LAVA-FLOW RATES […]
Yes, as all Kiwis are aware, Hillary breezed into town to do a little scaremongering. Here comes the Mainstream story: How Russia and China could ‘hurt New Zealand’ Patrick Gower – Newshub – Tuesday, 8 May 2018 Hillary Clinton has a major warning for New Zealand – beware of […]
There is by now little doubt that The Mueller Commission (formed by Comey, Rosenstein, and McCabe on 17/5/2017) is in desperation mode to justify its existence after a year of idiocy. Attempting to hide The Obama -Clinton Collusions with Russia by trying to fit a fantasy of a Trump Collusion. […]
What is Andrenochrome anyhow? According to myth, it can only be harvested from the adrenal gland of a living victim of torture. Turns out Andrenochrome is real enough and is actually oxidised andrenaline, with purported hallucinogenic properties. I am currently researching this subject with a link to Crystal […]