“Storm clouds are gathering…Europe is moving closer to mandatory vaccination.”! by Jon Rappoport May 8, 2018 Storm clouds are gathering… First the solution—leave the European Union. Do it soon. Don’t knuckle under. Europe is moving closer to mandatory vaccination. The drive is spearheaded by a collaboration between the European Union […]

Lest we be accused of panic mongering, note the word “may” in the heading, and “could” and “might” in the report. Use discernment! Being sensibly prepared for the worst case is best. I speak from experience. Martin Here’s the AP story: SOPHIA YAN and SETH BORENSTEIN, Associated Press A Hawaii […]

More updates and Links from Jeff Wefferson in Hawai’i as Volcanic and tectonic activity continues.   tel·e·ol·o·gy ˌtelēˈäləjē,ˌtēlēˈäləjē 1) PHILOSOPHY “the explanation of phenomena by the purpose they serve rather than by postulated causes.” 2) THEOLOGY “the doctrine of design and purpose in the material world.” https://rachels-carson-of-today.blogspot.com/2018/05/hawaiian-volcanos-update-witnessing.html RELATIVE LAVA-FLOW RATES […]

What is Andrenochrome anyhow? According to myth, it can only be harvested from the adrenal gland of a living victim of torture. http://www.i-doser.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=24940 Turns out Andrenochrome is real enough and is actually oxidised andrenaline, with purported hallucinogenic properties. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrenochrome I am currently researching this subject with a link to Crystal […]
