Police have used blood samples taken from people at birth to solve crimes and identify bodies. Since 2006, police have been able to use blood “spot samples” taken from people at birth to get DNA samples under an agreement with the Ministry of Health. The “heel prick tests” […]
Vegas shooting: concert workers’ phone-footage wiped clean by FBI What?? by Jon Rappoport October 13, 2017 Paul Watson at infowars has the story: “Workers at the Route 91 festival during which Stephen Paddock unleashed his massacre have reportedly been given back their phones and laptops by the FBI only […]
Remember the Ozone Hole? Used to be the hot environmental topic before Al Gore and the Church Of Global Warming. In fact it’s been so long since I heard anything about the Ozone Layer that I did a double-take when I saw this item. Being an unrepentant tin-hatter I have […]
Wednesday, October 11, 2017 by: Mike Adams (Natural News) Sometimes the longer you boil the pot, the more the scum rises to the top. It’s called “Hollywood.” That’s what we’re all now witnessing with a gamut of liberal Hollywood elitists now being called out by women for abuse, exploitation, misogyny […]
Not sure we want to hit “play” on that. KEVIN LORIA, BUSINESS INSIDER 12 OCT 2017 The Associated Press has obtained and released audio of mysterious sounds that some US diplomats and families heard in Cuba before suffering hearing loss, mild traumatic brain injury, nervous system damage, and balance problems. […]
ASTEROID TO BUZZ EARTH TONIGHT: House-sized asteroid 2012 TC4 is approaching Earth today for a close encounter only 1/8th the distance to the Moon. At closest approach, the space rock will skim just outside Earth’s zone of geosynchronous communications satellites and be visible in telescopes as small as 8-inches (observing […]
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 ELON ‘GENERAL ELECTRIC’ MUSK BUYS ENTIRE U.S. MILITARY, DECLARES WAR ON ‘CLIMATE CHANGE’: “WE ARE GOING TO KILL IT DEAD!” From Jeff Wefferson NOTE FROM JEFF: I want to make sure that people reading this realize that it’s A BIT OF SATIRE…not ‘fake news’, not […]
The UK needs to protect and care for its own people. It has taken the first step, by extricating itself from The EU Pig Trough and Cesspit. The second stage is to evict and deny all blackmails: American. Polaris was an idiocy, and financial devastation visited on The UK. Neither […]
https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/97713861/peace-action-blockades-westpac-stadium-arms-industry-forum Nine protesters have been arrested during fraught scenes outside a Wellington defence forum. As bus loads of delegates attempted to enter Westpac Stadium for the forum on Tuesday, a few hundred protesters blockaded the stadium entrances. Among those detained and dragged away by police was a disabled man with […]
The Sun has reported on a piece of footage allegedly showing the Roswell alien being carried away on a stretcher. (Published 8 October 2017) https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/4641370/roswell-ufo-crash-area-51-footage/ Long term readers of Uncensored will be familiar with this footage that was first published by us some time back. ROSWELL ORIGINAL FOOTAGE OF DEAD […]