Hurricane after Hurricane, earthquakes…just one “natural” disaster after another right now! look after yourselves guys, and your neighbours. LIVE FEED:
9/08/2017 — Extremely Large M8.1 earthquake strikes Mexico — Buoys showing movement in ocean
The history of Saudi Arabia has been from a state of tribal and family slaughter in 1932, to extreme wealth, to bankruptcy. Saudi Aramco valued at some $12 trillion is for sale. There are no buyers. The present arrangements with Trump and Goldmans, is to offer 5% through an NYSE […]
Posted on September 6, 2017 by State of the Nation By Greg Richter | NEWMAX Hurricane Irma, currently barrelling through the Caribbean toward Florida as a strong Category 5 storm, is showing up on instruments used to measure earthquakes. “What we’re seeing in the seismogram are low-pitched hums that gradually […]
THE TIMES Reports: US Navy Seals training Kim ‘assassination’ squad “South Korean commandos will work with the US Navy Seals who killed Osama bin Laden to create a special unit to assassinate Kim Jong-un in the event of war. The announcement coincides with a decision by the US to waive […]
A foreign policy think tank more secretive than Bilderberg has included both instrumental architects of the “War of Terror” and accusations of CIA funding By Rachel Blevins – September 5, 2017 Bilderberg has gained a reputation as the world’s most secretive group of billionaires and political leaders who conspire to […]
September 5, 2017 By Nicholas West Step by step, facial recognition has been accepted by the general public for security; its appearance is proliferating at airports and at train stations around the world. With that acclimatization in full swing, facial recognition is also becoming a preference in the name of […]
Abstract: The Earth’s atmosphere and the Earth’s magnetic field protects local life by shielding us against Solar particle flows, just like the sun’s magnetic field deflects cosmic particle radiation. Generally, magnetic fields can affect terrestrial life such as migrating animals. Thus, terrestrial life is connected to astronomical interrelations between different […] North Korean leader Kim Jong Un would allow his people to “eat grass” before he ever gives up his nuclear and missile defense programs, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday at a news conference in China. Kim and his military claimed to have tested a hydrogen bomb Sunday, the […]
Take this blog any way you like. Humour, speculation, entertaining or just nonsense. Or maybe, just maybe, there’s something to all this……? Donald Trump: Just mention the name and you’re sure to get a strong reaction. Love him, hate him, can’t make head nor tail of him? One thing is […]