A recent revelation in Australian parliament reveals the creeping and insidious harnessing of school-age children as state informants. “We’re coming for your children!” was the alarming chant heard loud and clear at one “Rainbow” march captured on video recently. As the LGBTQ+ movement is but one tentacle of a communist […]

It’s been an astonishing couple of days for German judges. Well, “astonishing” if you’ve been living in a cave for the last four years. Off-Guardian – Aug 23, 2023 Many of you likely already know that satirist and playwright (and frequent OffG contributor) CJ Hopkins is being prosecuted in Germany for “disseminating propaganda, […]

Next time someone calls you a “conspiracy theorist” for suggesting depopulation and the New World Order are a thing, show them these little gems: The first monster, Dennis Meadows, is a Club of Rome member who claimed as far back as 1972 that “CO2 is an atmospheric pollutant” and wants […]
