Washington’s Benevolent Mask Is Disintegrating Paul Craig Roberts The few weeks of Trump’s presidency suffice to make clear that there will be no change this time either. Normal relations with Russia are on the back burner, if not off the stove. The material needs of the military/security complex for […]
Herd immunity used for fear and guilt Mar6 by Jon Rappoport Herd immunity, pop version, fraud by Jon Rappoport March 6, 2017 Hail to the herd! The herd is all! The concept of herd immunity (protection for the population) is often used by vaccine addicts as a way to push guilt […]
Hard to believe this little communist nation can generate so much fuss. More manufactured diversion? One minute it’s imminent financial collapse, the next it’s imminent nuclear Armageddon. What next…? A shocked international community has condemned North Korea after it launched four ballistic missiles on Monday morning, three of which […]
Normally I lump Financial Collapse alongside Nibiru and ET Disclosure: always imminent but never arrives! With personalities like Ron Paul and Cif High speaking about this, we should take heed and listen.
Following the claims of Ron Paul that Trump is being set up far a big fall, the wiretapping scandal could well be another trap. I’d be interested to hear what others think of this developing story. From mainstream media item in The Guardian: “Bonnie Malkin, Alan Yuhas and agencies Monday […]
From Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show Ron Paul feared a Clinton presidency more than anything else. But He also knows that a planned depression awaits Donald Trump and this is where we are headed. My wife’s late Uncle Bobby fought in World War II. at one Christmas […]
You will never find a better verbal explanation than this. Dutchsinse is a veteran researcher and observer who’s developed an amazing knack for earthquake forecasting. For those who may not know, HAARP is up and running after a temporary hiatus, and is just one of a whole worldwide network of […]
By G-squared. Celebrities and assorted confection can’t get their lives into even a semblance of reality. Yet they want to soapbox their dysfunctional takes on the socio-economic fabric of the world, domestic politics, and foreign policies. On any of which they have no idea whatsoever. Madonna, for one, should concentrate on […]
Controversial anti-vaccine movie Vaxxed is set to premiere under stealth in New Zealand next month, prompting fears that the film could lead to more children missing out on vaccination. Ticket buyers will only be notified of the venue by text or email three hours before its screening in a bid […]