Thanks to this honorable and courageous young man for a fantastic presentation. MH I talk about the rising tide of racial hatred against White people that some are refusing to acknowledge is happening. Six minutes of this sixteen minute video is a compilation of what people are saying about White […]

Close scrutiny of a famous 1972 Apollo Mission photo reveals some extraordinary structures on the moon near Copernicus crater: A row of partially buried and apparently artificial wheel-like structures, seemingly part of a derelict machine of colossal proportions. Zooming in: Look closely at the centre of the view. Let’s isolate […]

Bombshell as Pfizer continues the ass-covering. Dr. Campbell, gone from vax promoter to awakened skeptic, unravelling the data and presenting the facts, in the aftermath of the Project Veritas exposé, and this presentation is damning for Pfizer and for ALL who promoted this mRNA injection. Be sure to share widely! […]
