This is most interesting. There has been a near universal blackout on this story here in NZ, after a short clip on TV One early morning news yesterday. The Australians have picked it up, albeit with the usual slant. Read it here:,25197,25425496-12377,00.html by Justin Raimondo, May 01, 2009 The Israel lobby has been running into a few problems lately, but it’s nothing they don’t think they can handle: a charge of treason, a strong suspicion of obstructing justice, and a gathering storm of criticism from a few dissident intellectuals and policy types. Nothing to get too […] Very low levels of lithium in drinking water may help prevent suicide in the general population, according to a new study. The study has prompted calls for further research into the possibility of adding lithium to drinking supplies – like water fluoridation to improve dental health. Researchers at Oita […]
Zoonotic Vectors of Swine and Avian Flu The swine flu is common in the agribusiness, and antibodies to swine flu are present in 20% of vetenarians and 5% of pig farm workes, and rarely kills pigs. However, this swine flu that has presented in Mexico, Texas, California, Queens NYC, London, […]
UPDATE ON LLOYD PYE AT UNCENSORED SYMPOPSIUM (April 26). Lloyd is our Keynote Speaker. Everyone: The recent “UFO Hunters” show for anyone who missed it and might want to see it without waiting for a rerun. They are listed in five roughly 9 minute segments. The Starchild skull is featured […]
More about the depredations of the manufacturer of Gardasil. Here’s the headline for this story: Vioxx maker Merck and Co drew up doctor hit list,25197,25272600-2702,00.html The fact is Merck are taking a proverbial bath on the Vioxx scandal, which may be why they fast tracked the dodgy and dangerous […]
BY JULIE SMITH (Timaru, NZ) Being the mother of a ten your old daughter I was curious when I initially heard Helen Clarke announce the government was implementing a $180 million HPV vaccination programme for our daughters. Having investigated the meningococcal vaccine and seeing how our Ministry of Health was […]
A rather interesting paper, indeed.
Read full article: <a href=””></a> A row has broken out over allegations of antisemitism at the New York Times, America’s most vaunted name in journalism and a newspaper with a large Jewish readership. The storm centres on a column about Jews in Iran written by New York Times journalist Roger Cohen and […]