In 1896, Adolph Ochs bought The New York Times and boldly placed on its front-page flag the slogan All The News That’s Fit To Print. Today, its publisher, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., may need to rewrite that slogan to Less News And Less Money To Print It. That’s because The […]

Technology and exams ‘creating robotic children’ An over exposure to technology risks creating a generation of “robotic” children, a leading headmistress warned. By Graeme Paton, Education Editor Last Updated: 9:18PM GMT 14 Nov 2008 A rise in the use of the internet and video games is damaging pupils’ social skills […]

Beware of the Obama hype. What ‘change’ in America really means JOHN PILGER 12 Nov 2008 In his latest column for the New Statesman, John Pilger writes that the lauding of Barack Obama has a history and that ‘historical moments’ ought to be less about their symbolism and accompanying histrionics […]


This is one of the best hoaxes in the history of the genre. Pulled off by the same people (The Yes Men) who brought us the faux “Osama” in Sydney last year at the APEC meeting or whatever it was

The US and UK left the impression that Russia was the guilty party Wednesday, 12 November 2008 Thank goodness, they might be thinking at the US State Department and the British Foreign Office, for the financial crisis. Were it not for the ever-blacker news about the Western world’s economy, another […]


The GM genocide: Thousands of Indian farmers are committing suicide after using genetically modified crops By Andrew Malon When Prince Charles claimed thousands of Indian farmers were killing themselves after using GM crops, he was branded a scaremonger. In fact, as this chilling dispatch reveals, it’s even WORSE than he […]


It Appears that Greenpeace Has Become Yellowpeace Commentary by Captain Paul Watson Co-Founder of Greenpeace Is Greenpeace scared or just simply tired of posturing in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary year after year? I don’t know the real reason that they decided to quit sending a ship and crew to […]


Is John Key Shonky? Private Prosecution Filed in Auckland District Court Over Key’s Failure To Disclose Financial Interest in Trans-Rail “Because neither the Police nor the Serious Fraud Office have decided to investigate my complaint against John Key – I have taken a private prosecution myself”, said Water Pressure Group […]

ALL IS WELL IN STEPFORDVILLE: MORE ON THE PRE-ELECTION CHICANERY OF THE PLUNGE PROTECTION TEAM Ellen Brown, November 3rd, 2008 “The Dow is a dead banana republic dictator in full military uniform propped up in the castle window with a mechanical lever moving the cadaver’s arm, waving to the […]
