Peasant Film Club If you missed the screening you can watch it here   The Someone Else’s Country: (1996) The New Zealand coup (90 min): Covers the Lange-Douglas years of political upheaval in New Zealand: when the New Right element came to the fore from within the Labour government upon its re-election in 1984. […]

A Mexico judge has placed an indefinite ban on genetically engineered corn. Effective immediately, companies like Monsanto and DuPont/Pioneer will no longer be allowed to plant or sell their corn within the country’s borders. Article

======================================= Peasant Film Club Thurs 17th, 7:30pm Locally Abundant (2011) A story of the search for our true nature (75 min): A homemade film by two Canadian lads who lived and volunteered on 10 small-scale organic farms using Canada’s World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) network. Come bump around the […]


Had enough of the secrecy of the TPPA (“Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement”) negotiations? So have a number of prominent Kiwi actors, musicians and commentators. They have made a video that airs on TVNZ Breakfast and TV3 Firstline on Tuesday 1 October calling for the government to release the TPPA text – and urging you to sign the petition to the PM […]
