Writing in the New Statesman, John Pilger refers back to his travels with Robert Kennedy to describe the false hopes offered by those, like Barack Obama, who exploit the appeal of liberalism then present a very different reality. In this season of 1968 nostalgia, one anniversary illuminates today. It is […]
In his most recent post, Richard Heinberg asks “How Do You Like Collapse So Far?” and also asks why we should think or talk about collapse if there’s nothing we can do about it? He suggests that in the face of the gargantuan unraveling over which we have very little […]
By: D. H. Williams The world’s power elite arrived in Chantilly, VA today commencing four days of super secret talks. These meetings are attended by 125 of the most elite persons in the world. Membership includes presidents, prime ministers, royalty, directors of the world banking cartels, top media, military and […]
US issues threat to Iraq’s $50bn foreign reserves in military deal By Patrick Cockburn Friday, 6 June 2008 The US is holding hostage some $50bn (£25bn) of Iraq’s money in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to pressure the Iraqi government into signing an agreement seen by many Iraqis […]
Global Research, June 8, 2008 The U.S. Navy on April 24 announced the return of the Fourth Fleet to the Caribbean, Central America and South America, covering 30 countries in the region. The fleet had operated in those waters beginning in 1943, monitoring German submarines during World War II, and […]