Source: Welcome to Bantustan, Louisiana, where the first stage of creating a large, armed, New World Order fortress, complete with gated communities and an Israeli wall against the sea and the riffraff, has begun. It is the inevitable course of human history, playing like a bad rerun of humanity’s […]
Source: A controversial EU directive that could ban thousands of popular vitamin and mineral supplements has been declared illegal by a European Advocate. The judgment is a victory for health food manufacturers and retailers who appealed to the European Court of Justice to overturn the proposed law. Energy Update Analysis What Is Needed Most Urgently Is Not A Counter-Terrorism Policy;But An Alternative Energy Policy In time July 2005 may prove to have been something of a watershed moment in the ‘Peak Oil’ debate. Last month saw the launch of oil giant Chevron’s high profile media campaign […]
Source: Convergence Weekly via Nearly seven years after extensive “lay downs” of lingering and spreading white plumes were first reported smearing skies over across North America, Europe is in an uproar and Washington could be close to coming clean about chemtrails. At least the Bush White house will soon […]
“I know I’m risking my life in allowing you to interview me; but I’m aware there is an operational grand jury and indictments regarding the White House, so now is the time. I’m tired of knowing all the details and perpetrators of the murder of an innocent and good man […]
From: “Peter Meyer” Date: September 6, 2005 10:02:56 AM PDT Subject: (Fwd:) New Orleans and Bush One Sylvia sent the following two messages to me. Serendipity is not being updated at this time, so she said: Feel free to pass this on. Sylvia can be reached at ————————– 1st […]
From: Robert Faust Homeland Security Admits They Denied Red Cross Access to New Orleans This is killer information that should be distributed widely to media, politicians, church leaders, and everyone you know. Both Red Cross and Homeland Security have admitted that Red Cross was not allowed into the city of […]
Source: The investigation into who “outed” Valerie Plame, a CIA agent formerly engaged in deep-cover operations involving weapons of mass destruction, is now threatening to bring down some of the president’s top advisers, including Karl Rove, the Machiavellian mastermind behind the White House’s political machine. This has helped to […]
Well,… from the evidence, the answer is: Not that much happens. We consider two examples from fires that were known to be very hot. The June 1990 Broadgate Phase 8 fire. The above photo shows a number of trusses and a buckled steel column after the Broadgate Phase 8 fire.
By Gareth Simpson It is crucial that as many people as possible are aware of the latest ongoing changes in legislation relating to health supplements. The NZ Government is trying to change the way in which all Natural Health Products (NHPs) are regulated. They plan to treat Natural Health […]