Lord of the Rings country trades on its natural beauty, but emissions have risen 22% since it signed up to Kyoto Fred Pearce guardian.co.uk, Thursday 12 November 2009 As the world prepares for the Copenhagen climate negotiations next month, it is worth checking out the greenwash that has followed the promises […]
The Nobel Prize winner carries on the Bush policies – only moreso. – Ed. Source: globalresearch.ca When the UN refused to agree to the severe sanctions that the U.S. wanted, Obama responded with typical Bush flair and went solo. The new U.S. sanctions against Iran — signed into law by […]
Source: https://thedrcoldwellreport.blogspot.com/2010/07/biblical-catastrophe-that-will-affect.html Written by a friend of mine- Larry Comstock (apparently not – Admin) Hello all … The potential magnitude of what is unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico simply cannot be overstated. It is far, far worse than is being admitted and what we are allowed to see is […]
Source: globalresearch.ca Toronto is right now in the midst of a massive government / media propaganda fraud. As events unfold, it is becoming increasingly clear that the ‘Black Bloc’ are undercover police operatives engaged in purposeful provocations to eclipse and invalidate legitimate G20 citizen protest by starting a riot. Government […]
Source: google.com/hostednews ATLANTA — About a quarter of the swine flu vaccine produced for the U.S. public has expired — meaning that a whopping 40 million doses worth about $260 million are being written off as trash. “It’s a lot, by historical standards,” said Jerry Weir, who oversees vaccine research and […]
https://vigilantcitizen.com/?p=4051 Jun 28th, 2010 | By Vigilant | Category: Vigilant Reports Is there a deliberate effort by the government to dumb down the masses? The statement is hard to prove but there exists a great amount of data proving that the ruling elite not only tolerates, but effectively introduces policies that have […]
Full body scanners at airports could increase your risk of skin cancer, experts warn. The X-ray machines have been brought in at Manchester, Gatwick and Heathrow. But scientists say radiation from the scanners has been underestimated and could be particularly risky for children. They say that the low level beam […]
Good Penny turns up Rebecca Blithe The Aucklander February 2009 Cover Story: “You CAN fight City Hall”. She’s been arrested 22 times, often at the council chambers. So why is Penny Bright receiving a good citizen award? Rebecca Blithe talks to Auckland’s relentless radical. She is relentless, radical and has […]
Source: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/06/29/oil-spill-media-access-do_n_629920.html?ir=Technology As you are hopefully well aware, BP has been doing its level best to interfere with reporters in the Gulf Coast region to keep them from reporting on what’s actually going on down there as clean-up efforts continue. BP has been striving to keep reporters away from affected areas, […]
Not a hoax. Mainstream psychiatry. – Ed https://www.naturalnews.com/029098_orthorexia_mental_disorder.html