Banned religious texts sound like they could have been authored by David Icke! Matrix, Archons and Shape-Shifting Jesus, Oh My! Jesus’ Secret Revelations? Copy of Forbidden Teachings Found in Egypt By Brandon Specktor The oldest known copy of a text claiming to be Jesus’ teachings to his brother James […]
Well, this is a blow to mainstream archaeology….!
“There was once a flourishing continent in the middle of the Pacific Ocean called Mu … The greatest tragedy of mankind occurred when Mu sank, carrying down with her 63.000,000 people and a civilization approximately 200,000 years old.” JAMES CHURCHWARD SATURDAYS@ 9AM EST-USA / FRIDAY 3 AM HAWAI’I TIME / […]
Archaeology might evoke thoughts of intrepid explorers and painstaking digging, but in fact researchers say it is a high-tech laser mapping technique that is rewriting the textbooks at an unprecedented rate.
At Uncensored we’ve long been intrigued by the South American Longskulls. While we are aware that some are the result of cranial deformation (“banding”) it seems these were caste status imitations of the real deal: A separate strand of humans with extraordinary features.
Something I researched many years ago. Worth revisiting the subject. A great presentation on the mysterious Osirion: Judge for yourself.
11,500 year old remains of a “previously unknown human lineage” push back the date of North American inhabitation, reports Archaeology Magazine: Wednesday, January 03, 2018 FAIRBANKS, ALASKA—According to a New York Times report, an international team of scientists has mapped the genome of a six-week-old infant girl who is thought […]
NOTE: At first this seemed like just another interesting discovery. But look at the location and the timing! Was this “discovery” deliberately engineered? It was then that the rather casual reference to this being “the seventh such seal discovered” that my blood ran cold.
On a map, Easter Island is a remote dot more than 2,000 miles (3,219 kilometers) from the western coast of Chile. It has long fascinated archaeologists —not only for its hundreds of enormous statues, called moai, but also because it could hold clues about epic Pacific sea voyages and subsequent […]
CAIRO — Scientists have found a hidden chamber in Egypt’s Great Pyramid of Giza, the first such discovery in the structure since the 19th century and one likely to spark a new surge of interest in the pharaohs. In an article published in the journal Nature on Thursday, an international […]