UFO Disclosure? In this video, we take a look at some of the claims made by Carol Rosin regarding a potential fake alien threat/invasion and see how those claims stack up against current events. Concealed Unsealed Concealed Unsealed 214 subscribers SEE ALSO: …and of course you’ll find a multitude of […]
blue beam technology
A fascinating interview with the legendary Gary McKinnon, NASA hacker who landed himself in very hot water with US Intelligence after finding among other things a list of “Non-Terrestrial Officers” and vessels that appeared to be a secret space fleet. Gary McKinnon got into a lot of problems while looking […]
Is Pope Francis the harbinger of the NWO’s One World Religion? This has always been a goal of the UN and an intrinsic part of the infamous Project Blue Beam plan. To merge all religions and create a government-controlled false religion that makes the masses obedient both politically and ideologically. […]
If anyone needed proof that the powers pushing the levers behind the mindless moron who sits in the Oval Office are fully on board with the World Economic Forum/United Nations agenda of biomedical tyranny and transhumanism, look no further than the executive order that Joe Biden signed on Monday, September 12. Leo […]
The subjects of Ukraine and UFOs seem to be converging like puzzle pieces clicking into place. The latest from the Mainstream via Live Science: Brandon SpecktorLIve ScienceFri, 16 Sep 2022 Astronomers observed dozens of objects that “cannot be scientifically identified.” The skies over Kyiv are swarming with unidentified flying objects […]
I keep thinking this can’t be happening—that it must be some sort of nightmare I’ll wake up from soon. But I’ve already seen too much of DARPA’s doings and they are not going to stop. AUTHOR: Joyce Bowen https://joyce-bowen.blog/ Darpa, Military behind covid-vaccines [Graphene and Quantum Entanglement] Elon Musk and Neuralink. […]
We suspect Tyler at Secureteam10 has been reading Uncensored! Looks like we are on the same page with the brewing Blue Beam False Flag alien threat scenario. MH Secureteam10 is the top news source online for Coverage of ALL things Strange & Unknown happening on and off of Planet Earth. […]
Beneath the front-page news of Covid, Ukraine, and the economic depression (Collectively part of The Great Reset) something more sensational and troubling has been brewing. And it involves an alleged potential extra-terrestrial threat. We know it as Project Blue Beam, the “Last Card”. by Martin Harris 29/8/22 The ball started […]
There can be few things that illustrate just how barking-mad the world has become more than the following footage from the Queen’s London Street pageant. Project Blue Beam… All stand for the National Anthem! God save our gracious Hologram,Long live our noble Hologram,God save the Hologram!Send her victorious,Happy and glorious,Long […]
Had to happen sooner or later. NASA have been implicated in the fake alien invasion plot since Von Braun and Monast blew the whistle years ago. Will the “Last Card” be played soon? MH Phys.orgThu, 09 Jun 2022 NASA is officially joining the hunt for UFOs. The space agency on […]