Provocateurs and police terror at the G20 summit in Toronto This video has been featured as the “website of the day” on Counterpunch. 1500 views in two days, so I think it has viral potential. That would certainly be a good thing since a poll just came out claiming […]

[youtube]apM0d3M-sps[/youtube] [youtube]NEGZw03HYNA[/youtube] [youtube]mtcaIA9SU7o[/youtube] [youtube]urTA6tvxVp8[/youtube] [youtube]RWsx1X8PV_A[/youtube] [youtube]jG2vL-KAktA[/youtube] A missile disappears in Iran, but the CIA has other problems: the heir to an Emirate gives an oil contract to China, cutting out a US company that promptly fires its immigrant workers and merges with a small firm that has landed a Kazakhstani […]

[youtube]kgjb4oDQdQA[/youtube] 9/11 Analysis is a compilation of short analysis videos I have produced and uploaded to the internet over the last few years, woven together with an interpretive narrative. The individual short pieces arose one-by-one as measurements were made and insights developed, but together they constitute a coherent body of […]
