Outer Light and Kunstler provide great comment and opinion on the latest drops regarding the previous Twitter administration corruption. The Outer Light The Outer Light 84.5K subscribers 🤗 Help support my channel: ❇️ www.subscribestar.com/TheOuterLight 👁 https://www.Patreon.com/TheOuterDark From Kunstler: What It’s Really About “It is unfortunate that conspiracy theorists and others […]

Nice little money-making scheme. Who decides what constitutes “intolerance” and “discrimination”? It may also fine users for promoting “hate.” An even more nebulous term. Delete your Pay Pal account. They are not your “Pal”! MH October 12, 2022 By Tom Parker If you’re tired of censorship, cancel culture, and the erosion […]

Now going viral if you’ll pardon the pun. Share with your pro-vax friends. They were conned by Pfizer. Time for some truth. Pfizer Exec Concedes COVID-19 Vaccine Was Not Tested on Preventing Transmission Before Release Open in browserPfizer director admits they NEVER TESTED that “vaccine” for prevention of transmission!So all […]

Sobering and concerning. Spotify tramples on freedom of speech and information and tells you what to believe and how to think. Support uncensored media! Martin Audio streaming service Spotify has acquired Kinzen – a company that detects and flags “dangerous misinformation and harmful content” within audio content by generating and […]

More hypocrisy, contradictions and thinly veiled police-state rantings from the Red Queen herself, Jacinda Ardern, Prime-Minister-in-exile of New Zealand. MEME THE LEFT186K subscribers ## BIDEN ACTUALLY ADMITTED THIS: https://youtu.be/WIAFFdXNtjs ## MEMES OF THE DAY – LEFTY NIMBY EDITION: https://youtu.be/fb8BregO1yc ## BUMBLING BIDEN LITERALLY ASKED FOR THIS: https://youtu.be/w1zNqibXlSI ## WHEN YOU […]
