For historical interest and reference. Fascinating interview: Keyhoe was famously cut off during an interview on television in the early 50’s (referenced in this later interview). The UFO research organisation NICAP, which Keyhoe led, had CIA operatives hidden within the ranks, as the Freedom of Information Act has since revealed. The CIA […]

Spies tell lies, spying is lying Mar9 by Jon Rappoport Spying is lying, spies tell lies by Jon Rappoport March 9, 2017 In recent articles, I’ve highlighted items from the latest WikiLeaks data-dump of CIA files. For example: The CIA’s use of other nations’ hacking tools, in order to give […]…; UK Bans Naming Streets After Politicians, Heroes In Case They Get Exposed as Pedophiles Matt Agorist February 22, 2017 6 Comments Pedophilia in Britain has apparently become so rampant among the elite, that the government has issued official guidance to city councils to stop paying homage to local heroes with […]

FROM ROSE AT THE CON TRAIL: I am frankly shocked this information is not making front page news right now. Monsanto will do anything to bury this story… and as of right now, it’s working. Not a single mainstream media outlet has covered this appalling new report that shows millions of […]
