Cannaphobia in New Zealand: Speaking tour by US legalisation author announced by Cannabis Party The Cannabis Party is pleased to announce a speaking tour by a prominent US legalisation author. Dr David Bearman, authour of ‘Drugs are not the devil’s tools’, will be touring the country in May. […]
Some anonymous coward has dobbed in a well known TV personality for speaking his mind. Yet, every day in the media, we have far more serious blasphemies and affronts to human decency going on without anyone batting an eyelid. I’m a Christian, and I could easily counter and debate Fry’s […]
How does this happen? Six years of grief for these families and it turns out rescue teams have been down there and taken footage and pictures. This kind of thing doesn’t stay under wraps, especially under the circumstances, without someone wanting to cover up. Radio NZ Report below:‘extraordinary-and-alarming’ © […]
…How many souls are there really in this world? Do we just take it for granted the figures are true? Some are asking and searching for themselves:
What Chuck Schumer is revealing out in the open Apr26 by Jon Rappoport What Chuck Schumer is revealing out in the open by Jon Rappoport April 26, 2017 Senator Chuck Schumer on MSNBC (via ZeroHedge): “We’re no longer fact-based. The founding fathers created a country based on fact. We don’t have […]
For historical interest and reference. Fascinating interview: Keyhoe was famously cut off during an interview on television in the early 50’s (referenced in this later interview). The UFO research organisation NICAP, which Keyhoe led, had CIA operatives hidden within the ranks, as the Freedom of Information Act has since revealed. The CIA […]
More Fake News From Washington April 8, 2017 | More Fake News From Washington this time it is about employment Paul Craig Roberts The US government continues to lie about everything, not just Russia, Syria, Iran, and China. The US government is incapable of telling the truth about something as […]
Spies tell lies, spying is lying Mar9 by Jon Rappoport Spying is lying, spies tell lies by Jon Rappoport March 9, 2017 In recent articles, I’ve highlighted items from the latest WikiLeaks data-dump of CIA files. For example: The CIA’s use of other nations’ hacking tools, in order to give […]
The Deep State Just Broke Into Open Warfare by Tyler Durden Mar 10, 2017 10:41 AM Via Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog, The battle raging in the Deep State isn’t just a bureaucratic battle – it’s a war for the soul, identity and direction of the nation. When do […]