I became aware of the block and censorship a few days ago, soon after I wrote and published the article: “Ruthless State of the Union: current crime boss speaks.” https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2013/02/13/the-ruthless-state-of-the-union-the-current-crime-boss-speaks/ That article was about Obama, and it was also about every president as far back as Nixon. It mainly described […]

In one of the best ’80s episodes of CNN’s Crossfire, we get a good picture of two ways to argue. What appears to start as an open forum about whether the government should censor music turns into three conservatives attacking a fourth conservative – the late Frank Zappa. Multiple times, they […]

[ … so best batten down the hatches and prepare for another sick-making tsunami of ‘Palestinians Do It To Themselves’ crap on the – forced down the throats and into the eyes and brains of people who watch western media (and nothing else). No real help – when it comes […]

In another flagrant violation of freedom of speech, Iranian channels Press TV and iFilm have been removed from the Galaxy 19 satellite platform. The satellite platform provided broadcast services to the viewers of the 24-hour English-language Iranian news channel Press TV and the film channel, iFilm, in the United States […]
