V for Vendetta, a thriller film produced in 2005 about a near-future dystopian society, previously censored in China, was aired on China Central Television Station (CCTV) Channel Six on December 14, 2012. Many people are surprised by the screening, in particular the mask of V, which has been used by […]

The birthrate among Ethiopians in Israel decreased by a dramatic 50% in the last decade, and Israeli journalist Gal Gabai wanted to know why. She investigated the issue for “Vacuum,” her documentary series on Israeli Educational Television, and she discovered some things that left her very uncomfortable ~ and will […]

The mainstream media skews the news to defend the status quo, and serves the interests of the rich and powerful. But at least web news sources are free of censorship … one would hope. Unfortunately, that’s not true. Facebook pays low-wage foreign workers to delete certain content based upon a […]

[ Which is what happens when you de-individualise soldiers at boot camp – and train them to kill and dehumanise other people – then send them into one of the most horrendous situations environments humanly imagineable to experience and inflict the kinds of actions that most people don’t bear thinking […]
