The scientist behind the bogus claim in a Nobel Prize-winning UN report that Himalayan glaciers will have melted by 2035 last night admitted it was included purely to put political pressure on world leaders. Read the rest here
GlaxoSmithKline, Britain’s biggest pharmaceutical group, has been selling anti-depressant drugs in the US for unapproved uses on children, concealing critical evidence from US regulator the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) relating to a diabetes product, and offering lavish entertainment to doctors willing to promote its medicines. The problems came […]
[youtube]YIkZi_1_iZI#![/youtube] [youtube]v3DGlQlD1aU[/youtube] [youtube]xAF1AW1bwAM[/youtube] [youtube]uP09g4MMbH8[/youtube] [youtube]gZ4pmwAGT3E[/youtube]
This is a great first step towards ending the Federal Reserve. Article
During their Chicago summit on 20th and 21st May 2012 NATO [ being an evil pack of self-interested, mean-spirited pricks ] celebrated the way they want to further extend their war alliance in the years to come: not only by large scale incorporation of new member states and internationally unlawful […]
Amnesty International are calling on gullible people everywhere to sign a petiton to get Putin to “stop Assad”. They bitch that “Russia continues to supply arms to the Syrian regime” and that “Russia wants no enforced departure of President Assad”. They ignore the fact that the rebels are a creation […]
[ Sure hope it’s dying. HBO’s ‘The Newsroom’ kicks news in its naff nads ] [youtube]GggCB01ofFY[/youtube] [youtube]6E-ndv2O0KM[/youtube] [youtube]keaTb60IsCs[/youtube] [youtube]vMAEi_vWpSU[/youtube]
[ … because defending the indefensible – is hard ] What continues to be starkly apparent to me as I interact widely on social networking sites is that traditional hasbara, or the set of arguments used in the past to defend Israel’s right to exist or explain its right to […]
[ Can’t recommend this one enough ] [youtube]zCGSiqow9k4[/youtube]