[ Short – but damning ] [youtube]jBv6KBvjI0M[/youtube]
[youtube]y1-n-RXmpVY[/youtube] The government’s refusal to grant foreign journalists unfettered access has deepened the fog of war. Those who get in often do so illegally and as a result are limited to reporting on the bloodshed from behind rebel-held lines. Just last week two Western journalists were killed in Homs – […]
[ A B-1 bomber taking off from the recently ‘stolen-from-it’s-former-inhabitants-for-an-Anglo-airbase’ island of Diego Garcia ] Avoiding another war of choice will require a media that digs beyond agenda-driven analysis and prevents the debate from being curtailed. It will require a media that doesn’t permit a question of life and death […]
One would think that, by now, America would have made the connection between war and atrocity. Or, are we too obsessed with our consumer-driven lifestyles, or too apathetic to even pay attention? Or perhaps we believe the military is a refuge for miscreants and deviants capable of unspeakable acts of […]
Rumours that Greece was ready to ditch the Euro saw the currency drop by one per cent against the dollar. [youtube]z9Kn4vTZRqs[/youtube] A German magazine said Greece was planning a pullout of the Eurozone and restore the drachma, as it struggles under the weight of its rescue debt. Leading Greek politicians […]
Today, without much fanfare, US debt to GDP hit 101% with the latest issuance of $32 billion in 2 Year Bonds. If the moment when this ratio went from double to triple digits is still fresh in readers minds, is because it is: total debt hit and surpassed the most […]
It was a National Day of Action for the members of the Occupy Wall Street Movement. On Monday, the movement spoke out against the private prison industry. The prison industry is said to have a lot of influence and power and gains major profits from keeping people behind bars. In […]