This is what we should be focusing on. Dylan Ratigan knows what he’s talking about and the way he says it is just too epic. [youtube]qI_P3pxze5w[/youtube]
“There are some scandals that refuse to die either because they are never fully investigated or because those responsible for them never paid the price they should have” – Gideon Levy. ISSUES that should concern everyone, but especially in America have been subverted, degraded, perverted, retracted, eradicated, expunged, obscured, obliterated, […]
[youtube]A6YU2n81erQ[/youtube] Hamza Yusuf
Source: Monday, 3 October 2011, 4:45 pm Column: Emir Hodzic Occupy Wall St: New Zealander Arrested on Brooklyn Bridge Emir Hodzic October 3, 2011 As I was having my morning coffee on Saturday, ready to go out and join the Day 15 of Occupy Wall Street, the last thing […]
Somehow, the job that we’re doing in Afghanistan is so crucial that it is worth our SAS soldiers dying for – but only until 31st March 2012. Come the dawning of April 1st 2012 that sacrifice will somehow become no longer necessary. ( At which point Prime Minister John Key […]
A decade after the events of September 11, 2001 – which resulted in the immediate deaths of nearly 3,000 people on American soil, [youtube]ma13I76Sb10[/youtube] countless victims from toxic dust, and hundreds of thousands of deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq, – international hearings on this pivotal event will begin in Toronto […]
Read all about it here
Dylan Ratigan’s Network Moment (Aug. 9, 2011) lasts about 3 minutes & should be seen by everyone. Do NOT skip this. This is the complete clip. The action begins at 3:44. Transcript is below. [youtube]gIcqb9hHQ3E[/youtube] Further commentary on this clip from Dylan is HERE. We’ve got a real problem … […]