“André Maurois’s The War against the Moon (1928), where a band of well-meaning conspirators intend to avert a devastating world war by uniting humanity in hatred of a fictitious Lunar enemy only to find that the moon is truly inhabited and that they had unwittingly set off the first interplanetary war. This…is explicitly described as an excerpt […]

American Health Experts are also destroying the systems of The UK and many other nations; from First to Third World.  Opinion by G Squared Those singing the songs of Covid protection come to the table with blood on their hands, and it only gets worse by the day.  The Staph […]

Who remembers “Event 201” and what came afterwards? We’re playing it for real, today, right? So when the Powers That Be hold a Financial collapse simulation, it would be prudent to take note, yes? Martin BY TYLER DURDEN TUESDAY, DEC 21, 2021 – 11:20 PM Earlier this month Reuters produced a report […]

I’ve been watching the emerging data (actual data) on the Omicron variant since it emerged in SA. Everything points it being very similar to the Common Cold. I listened to NZ Health Minister Hipkins on the radio today (Where was Ardern? Hiding while Hipkins gets to dish out the bad […]

…the UK Gov. released a report confirming the Fully Vaccinated account for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 Deaths in England since August. Via Daily Expose Serious questions need to be answered as to why Boris Johnson’s Government have decided to restrict the freedoms of the unvaccinated population through the introduction […]

Upper Hut City Council is not playing along in this “Traffic Light System” game: they have opened everything up for everyone (except one arts centre). Chris Hipkins’ response? “it was up to each council to decide its own policy.” This means that this is not law – it is quite […]

Another essential read filled with solid information from a reputable source. The mandates have failed to stop COVID, but that isn’t the ultimate purpose… Due to the extensive length of this compilation we are posting as a stub and a link to full article. MH The great body of evidence […]

Enter Omicron. No, that’s not the new head of the Decepticons. It’s the new strain of Covid out of South Africa that is causing a hullabaloo. By Daisy Luther All around the world, people are getting fed up with draconian measures undertaken in the name of public safety. Although we’re not […]
