YouTube has crossed the line! RT gives you the story, we add the actual text of the “law” for your education, and PragerU asks you to sign their petition: Minutes after announcing a new policy clamping down on “hateful” and “supremacist” videos, YouTube got to work banning, demonetizing, or otherwise […]
Sharyl Attkisson is one of the top journalists operating in America today. She has fearlessly investigated the “vaccine deep state” and was fired from the corporate-run media for daring to report truths about vaccines. From Mike Adams — Natural News May 28, 2019 Her latest investigation takes an in-depth look […]
Australian Federal Police officers have left the ABC’s Sydney headquarters more than eight hours after a raid began over a series of 2017 stories known as the Afghan Files. “This is a serious development and raises legitimate concerns over freedom of the press and proper public scrutiny of national security […]
Newly leaked documents from the Snowden archive confirms the extremely close level of cooperation between the American and Israeli intelligence services, especially as part of the Neocon’s “global war on terror.” The documents disturbingly reveal the NSA assisted in an aggressive targeted assassination campaign waged by Israel inside Lebanon, especially during […]
Oh, the irony! Now who’s the paranoid conspiracy loony, Barack? MH Obama Says He’s Worried About ‘Fake’ Videos of Him Surfacing Date: June 4, 2019 Author: Nwo Report Barack Obama says he is worried about “deepfake” videos surfacing in which he says or does things he has never done. Obama told […]
Another great sermon from a great man! The first story in particular highlights the dangers of overzealous Social Media censorship: Footage can serve as vital evidence in catching the perpetrators. Icke goes on to address all aspects of Internet censorship. To have David’s Dot Connector Videocast sent to you in […]
Hot on the heels of mass Hajib-donning by non-Muslim sympathisers in the wake of the Christchurch mosque attacks, (led by Socialist PM Ardern) non-Jewish persons in Germany are being encouraged to don the familiar Jewish skull-cap, the Kippah, as a protest against anti-Semitism. While protest against bigotry and sympathy of […]
“Mr Assange showed all symptoms typical for prolonged exposure to psychological torture, including extreme stress, chronic anxiety and intense psychological trauma.” Date: June 1, 2019 Author: Nwo Report Original Source: Sputnik WikiLeaks issued a statement on Wednesday expressing “grave concerns” about Julian Assange, founder of the whistleblowing website, saying that his health […]
The warnings are now overwhelming and compelling. 5G. It’s fast, but the health risks just aren’t worth it. MH Michale SnyderEnd of the American DreamSun, 19 May 2019 00:00 UTC SaveEven though many in the scientific community are loudly warning about the potential health effects that 5G technology could have […]
It was not by coincidence that yesterday marked the beginning of four different meetings of some of the world’s most powerful, despotic and increasingly nervous bloodline feudalists. In Montreux, Switzerland the 67th Bilderberg Meeting began with 130 participants from 23 countries. Today in Mecca, Saudi Arabia King Salman bin Abdul […]