SJWs, Feminese, Race and Sex Baiters, shrieking disengaged, intellectualized, moralized, and ill-informed in general; grovelling onto MSM talkfests, are not entertaining, not informing, nor representative of even any minority constituent voice. Attempting to elevate irrelevancies, diversions, and stupidities to the front line of talking points, and manufacturing false narratives, does […]

In case anybody still wonders why our National Debt is beyond measure, the US has spent $5,900,000,000,000 on “The War on Terror” since 2001 and they have no current plans to alter their course. A new report from Neta C. Crawford at Brown University provides an unbiased estimate of the […]

For decades, Contactees and Channelers have claimed to be emissaries of extraterrestrial intelligences, usually promoting an ostensibly peaceful message. Some claim to be our gods, others to be a representative of a higher power. Often they seem to be trying to save us from ourselves. If these entities really exist, […]

This just in from the Washington Post. Somewhat embarrassing error one would think! Julian Assange has been charged, prosecutors reveal inadvertently in court filing By Matt Zapotosky and Devlin Barrett November 15 at 11:19 PM WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been charged under seal, prosecutors inadvertently revealed in a recently […]

If you ever thought the endless search for “Russian hackers” sounded very X-Files, that’s because both used variations of the motto “I want to believe.”   Nebojsa Malic RT Sun, 11 Nov 2018 A newly-out memo containing the Obama admin’s talking points about “Russian hacking” in the 2016 election reveals […]
