Fascinating blog revises the “official” story, and it has as much to do with America as it does with Germany or Britain! SOURCE: ThreeWorldWars The True Cause of World War 1 History books record that World War I started when the nations went to war to avenge the assassination […]
How ironic that the head of an anti corruption organisation has himself been potentially caught up in a Chinese anti-corruption crackdown! Meng Hongwei, who leads the international police organization, hasn’t been seen in more than a week By Jen Kirby, vox.com Oct 5, 2018, In what sounds like the […]
We signed up for the One Belt One Road Initiative; Here’s our One Road (and no doubt the first of many); NZ’s first Chinese-owned road could be in the pipeline A Chinese construction company has offered to build a long-planned four-lane toll road north of Auckland. Auckland Business Chamber’s […]
Fascinating and highly concerning documentary about the Military-Industrial microwave health danger cover-up and an enduring EMF mystery! Truthstream Media Published on Oct 1, 2018
If you only read ONE Alternative News article this year, it should be this one. Like the story of the One Ring that rules them all, this is the story of how One Group financially enslaved the world and now rules us all. Today, public money is in the […]
Like UFOs, the theoretical Planet X, Nibiru, Nemesis, or whatever one wishes to call it, re-emerges into the Mainstream news every now and then. This time the volume seems to have been cranked up somewhat, with the likes of CNN, USA Today etc making an unusual amount of noise about […]
…global warming could very well be “the biggest scam of modern times.” Wisdom Land Published on Aug 19, 2018 The Great Global Warming Swindle caused controversy in the UK when it premiered March 8, 2007 on British Channel 4. A documentary, by British television producer Martin Durkin, which argues against […]
The lack of consent and consultation are my main concerns here. We all know how fast we’ve had to work on last minute submissions here in NZ. Time windows to register our views with officialdom have been ridiculously brief, and even then I suspect it’s all just tokenism. Regardless of […]
https://youtu.be/dV1taq9dsYA Edge Of Wonder ( Ben and Rob) have a knack of presenting “heavy” material in a manner that is easy to digest for newbies and laypersons, yet meets the criteria of the cognisent and seasoned researcher. There is a whole series of these “Deep State” themed presentations and they […]
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any murkier. Why shut down the whole town of Sunspot for this? Unless this is more than just one individual: Child porn ring? Or is this another cover story? Be sure to checkout Tyler’s other featured items especially the Saturn footage! NONE Of […]