Dirty money tied to George Soros and Hillary Clinton was used to pay women to falsely accuse President Trump of sexual harassment, according to a bombshell New Year’s Day report in the New York Times.
President Rouhani blames a conspiracy by “Iran’s enemies”, but perhaps the Iranian leaders have been their own worst enemy considering the continued economic failures in spite of the lifting of sanctions?
Get ’em hooked, call it a disorder, and put ’em through the medical mill. KA CHING!$$$$! Here’s two MSM stories that clearly point to an agenda in the works:
Higher education has been financialized, transformed from a public service into a lucrative cash cow for private investors.
Rogue Russian tankers smuggling fuel to North Korea? This Reuters revelation sounds like a movie plot in the making! #SeekingTheTruth Published on Dec 27, 2017 The US government has been forced to admit that millions of Americans have been poisoned by vaccines, in an unusually honest post on the CDC website.
From Pam Vernon at Envirowatch Rangitikei: This is about Predator Free 2050 & features names like NZLandCareResearch, Monsanto, DuPont, The Gates duo, the Rockefellers, US Defense / DARPA, & more, need I say more?
“A Secular New World Order”. America stands increasingly alone. Is that how it was always planned?
Time to get to the bottom of the much hyped Pentagon UFO Study story: What’s this “revelation” really about? by Martin Harris
You read that right guys: G Squared has the scoop on Loretta Lynch! How, what and why? Read on…!