FAKE News = MSM Reporting Outright Censorship and Tyrannical Shutdowns Are the Primary Mainstream Media Strategies Being Implemented to Terminate the Alt-Media State of the Nation Make no mistake about it, since the election of Donald Trump, the Mainstream Media (MSM) has gone ballistic. In fact the MSM has taken […]
From Jeffrey ‘Goober’ Wefferson, via Rose at theCONtrail.com: Here’s the audio from Jeff’s blog: https://thecontrail.com/forum/topics/on-the-brink-radio-179-kaikoura-quake-as-advert-for-geo-physical- The odds are a trillion to one that the recent…and on-going…Kaikoura quakes on New Zealand’s south island…were not natural, but the result of scientifically premeditated geo-physical warfare, the main-stay of the global war-machine (or should I […]
PIZZAGATE Will Be Used To Take Down The Alt Media…Unless We Are Vigilant The Millenium Report November 27, 2016 THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT VIDEO ON THE INTERNET TODAY SOS: ALT MEDIA UNDER SERIOUS THREAT BY PIZZAGATE FALSE FLAG! The Millennium Report The Alternative Media right now faces the greatest existential threat since its […]
‘DARK EXPANSE W/ ELANA FREELAND AND BILLY HAYES’ November 29, 2016 Ground Zero Media There now appears to be real threats coming from the secret space race which has been secretly weaponizing the dark expanse of space. Some are even speculating that much of the strange activity happening in the […]
CIA MKULTRA: drugs to ruin the nation by Jon Rappoport November 29, 2016 (To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.) Drugs to transform individuals…and even, by implication, society. Drug research going far beyond the usual brief descriptions of MKULTRA. The intention is there, in the record: A […]
Reddit Bans ‘Pizzagate’ Investigation into D.C.-area Child Sex Ring — Labels it a ‘Witch Hunt’ Jay Syrmopoulos November 24, 2016 5 Comments 40Share 15Tweet 17Share 4Reddit 1Share 7Email Yesterday, something very strange happened on Reddit, as the subreddit, r/Pizzagate was unceremoniously banned by the social media company — with a […]
make of this information what you will. As usual, do your research and “think for yourself” Source is John de Rothschild at the CONtrail.com Trump may have taken Michigan today, but that will not make a difference. Jill Stein demanded a recount, and the recount WILL be rigged. They have had […]
Today In History: The Assassination Of John Fitzgerald Kennedy 53 Years Ago… JFK’s Important Speech On Secret Societies! Today of course marks the 53rd anniversary of that horrific day in Dallas, Texas, when President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was gunned down in his motorcade in Dealey Plaza…. To many, including myself, […]
Supporters of Clinton in the painfully long 2016 presidential campaign warned us before the vote that if Trump lost the election, his supporters would stop at nothing to disrupt Clinton’s inauguration. They said riots, violence and revolution would break out, and that Republicans would claim voter fraud and refuse to respect […]