Saturday, September 29, 2012 Torah Jews meet President Ahmadinejad in NYC Date Saturday, September 29, 2012 at 4:06PM Author Gilad Atzmon The Torah Jews are the only anti Zionist Jewish collective. They are just very few but their message is clear, coherent and consistent. This video is banned for broadcast […]
The images above show laboratory rats fed GMO food. To think that anyone given a real choice would choose GMO food sort of stretches the credulity into weird shapes. Yet if we are to believe the purveyors of this stuff, in what is arguably the sickest nation on earth the […]
W dzisiejszych czasach z określeniem „kredyt” spotykamy się prawie dzień w dzień. Co kilka kroków mijamy banki, wielkie szyldy reklamowe krzyczące do nas „Chwilówki od w tej samej chwili!”. Banki oferują nam branie pożyczek bez żadnych zobowiązań, bez formalności. Już od 50 złotych aż do kilku tysięcy. Biorąc kredyt nie […]
The Supreme Court of Canada Drives A Dagger Through The Heart of Canadian Democracy. by Robin Mathews “I say the ruling has come down – Do Not Accept It! It is a tragedy for the nation. It is a betrayal of Canadian Democracy. I am saying do not accept the […]
[ It couldn’t happen to a nicer buncha guys ] Despite yesterday’s blowout $6 billion or so profit from ANZ, it turns out all is not entirely well in Australia’s financial services industry. For the last five years, the pattern in the markets has been the same. A crisis starts […]
A woman has been convicted of giving cannabis to her 3-month old baby through her breast milk, in what is believed to be the first case of its kind in New Zealand. The 29-year-old Wanganui woman was charged with administering a class C controlled drug, namely cannabis, to a person […]
Law Office of Orly Taitz 10-22-12 Today, a trial was conducted in Indianapolis Indiana on the issue of Daclaratory relief and injunctive relief due to Obama’s use of forged Birth Certificate, Selective Service Certificate and a fraudulently obtained Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425.Presiding Judge is a superior court Judge Sherry […]
NOTICE OF CANCELLATION Due to the fact that David Child-Dennis, our Featured Speaker for SATURDAY OCT 20, has been taken ill to hospital, his talk at the GREY LYNN COMMUNITY CENTRE will be postponed until further notice. Jonathan Eisen, Editor of Uncensored, will be at the event and will “fill […]
With Friends Like Israel, Who Needs Enemies? Israel Seeks War on Iran to Keep Lid on 9/11, by Kevin Barrett Pictures and captions by Lasha Darkmoon “This is good for Israel . . . !” Almost every politically-aware person on the planet is puzzled by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s […]