Official reports & statistics – Our world in death throes. Check the facts & prepare yourself ! 1. WORLD FAMINE & HUNGER – Malnutrition remains an unresolved catastrophic world issue The United Nations says there are now over 900 million chronically undernourished people in the world. The effects of hunger […] On Monday afternoon, after almost no sleep, because of the rush release on Sunday night of WikiLeaks’ Guantánamo files, and after a busy morning of feedback and planning, a trip to central London for an interview on the BBC World Service’s Newshour, a quick cup of coffee and a […] Confused and often conflicting reports out of Fukushima 1 nuclear plant cannot be solely the result of tsunami-caused breakdowns, bungling or miscommunication. Inexplicable delays and half-baked explanations from Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) seem to be driven by some unspoken […]
