For pioneering the first alternatives to the extraterrestrial hypothesis for UFOs, Jacques Vallée has earned a reputation as the grandfather of the “new” ufology, and he’s inspired a generation of ufologists to explore a whole new set of questions about the UFO phenomenon. Support us on Patreon: Donate on […]
Are we on the road to a New World Order? Is it already here? What used to be a conspiracy theory seems obvious now. Imagine the signs being like road signs, clearly marked as the architects of the New World Order reach their destination. Since the turn of the 21st century there’s […]
Is the photo of Queen Elizabeth meeting the new PM the day before her passing a composite image? Watch this video and form your own conclusions… The Outer Light83.8K subscribers Help support my channel: ❇️ 👁
We suspect Tyler at Secureteam10 has been reading Uncensored! Looks like we are on the same page with the brewing Blue Beam False Flag alien threat scenario. MH Secureteam10 is the top news source online for Coverage of ALL things Strange & Unknown happening on and off of Planet Earth. […]
For some reason Ann Heche and all this is looming hugely on my radar. The more I learn the more bizarre and scary it is… From Jeff Wefferson: 3 days before Heche’s incident a U.S. senator from Indiana, Jackie Walorskie, died in a head on collision where an on-coming vehicle […]
Beneath the front-page news of Covid, Ukraine, and the economic depression (Collectively part of The Great Reset) something more sensational and troubling has been brewing. And it involves an alleged potential extra-terrestrial threat. We know it as Project Blue Beam, the “Last Card”. by Martin Harris 29/8/22 The ball started […]
(Natural News) Once again, the independent media called this out well in advance, warning that President Trump was walking right into a trap by promoting Covid vaccines and taking credit for rolling them out so quickly via Operation Warp Speed. Thursday, August 25, 2022 by: Mike AdamsThis article may contain statements that […]
The very fact that TVNZ has gone to such lengths to hunt down and censor our publications shows how TERRIFIED they are of people who can think for themselves and question The Narrative. NOTE: This item was originally posted 4/1/22 and has been reposted due to popular demand. Martin Very […]
It speaks for itself. And who discusses the alleged 9/11 Pentagon crash anymore anyhow? Never Forget! Kimiko_Komatsu 628 subscribers
As The Freedoms And Rights Coalition heads to Wellington, a counter-protest is planning to meet them. But who or what are the counter-protestors countering? According to Newshub: “The counter-protest, titled ‘Love Community: Hate Fascism’, will be led by the Pōneke Anti-Fascist Coalition. It has more than 600 people interested and […]