Source: Increasing reports of court registrars and judges preventing parties access to NZ Courts have raised concerns within the New Zealand Human Rights Commission. Commissioner Director Rosslyn Noonan admitted to kiwisfirst that complaints have increased significantly since the loss of the Privy Council and that ensuring access to the courts […]

Source: Submitted by Paraone The Thought Criminal (not verified) on 1 November 2009 – 6:37pm in Anarchism Indigenous Struggles Local In the NZ Herald magazine today, the police began a propaganda campaign to try to subtly convince the minions that the top police grab teams are in fact loving caring […] National Security Agency Had Access Built into Microsoft Windows – (VISTA “Virtual Instant Surveillance Tactical Application”) Heiss <> – A CARELESS mistake by Microsoft programmers has revealed that special access codes prepared by the US National Security Agency have been secretly built into Windows. The NSA access system is […]

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has announced trade measures against Colombia, amid a growing diplomatic row between the two nations. “These bases could be the start of a war in South America – we’re talking about the Yankees, the most aggressive nation in human history.” -Hugo Chavez Venezuelan President Mr Chavez […]


By Ezra Levant | Publication Date: May 2009 How would censorship work in the Internet age? Australia gives us a sneak preview of the gong show that ensues when medieval thinking is applied to a wired world.  Australia’s government nannies have officially banned 1,370 web sites. They’ve drawn up a […]
