The war drums beat louder. You can almost hear the cash registers ringing in high places. Perhaps this ties in with the UK dropping all mandates: Preparing for war with Russia? From The Western Journal: The Russian military will strut its stuff off the Irish coast next month in a […]

I’d take this reporting on the Ukraine situation with a grain of salt. A very big grain of salt. CNN seem to have a standard “template” for these reports that all use the phrase “Citing multiple sources familiar with the matter,” and reading between the lines, the story has no […]

Shocking truth. This FOI release came out a MONTH ago. No mention in the Mainstream Media. READ AND SHARE! Deaths from COVID-19 with no other underlying causes Release date:16 December 2021 FOI Ref: ​FOI/2021/3240 You asked ​​Please can you advise on deaths purely from covid with no other underlying causes. […]

Sage experts admit they got doom-laden forecast on Omicron wrong Victoria Allen and Xantha Leatham and Shaun Wooller For The Daily Mail Sage scientists have admitted their dire predictions of soaring Covid hospitalisations have ‘not been seen’ – as it was revealed that almost two-thirds of London patients with the virus were admitted […]

The current Certificate Of Vaccination ID (Vaccine Pass) system used in NZ expires, for ALL vaccine pass holders, on June 1, 2022. Whistleblower David Seymour thinks its a flaw. However, it appears to have been planned that way. What are we not being told? by Martin Harris 19/1/2022 A few […]

Biden thinks the White House is in Florida!? by G Squared The True American Administration exists by virtue of The Continuation of Government Provisions, in time of a national emergency, as a frauded election in Nov. 2020. The preferred innocuous option to a civil war. The Mar-a-Lago White House of […]

China has been telling the world that its brutal lockdowns in service of reaching zero covid cases have largely been effective. But China is also changing the definition of the “zero” in zero covid to better align with the uncomfortable reality that covid-19 cannot be arrested or suppressed into extinction. […]

A Right Royal cracker from Ben Vidgen. As always Ben connects all the dots! And we’ll never be royals (royals)It don’t run in our bloodThat kind of luxe just ain’t for usWe crave a different kind of buzzLet me be your ruler (ruler)You can call me queen beeAnd baby, I’ll […]

And why is Google rushing to change and debunk the definition while deleting the relevant interviews? Watch this… The Hill1.45M subscribers Kim Iversen explains what “mass formation psychosis” is. YOUTUBE CENSORS AND REMOVES JOE ROGAN INTERVIEWS WITH ROBERT MALONE AND PETER MCCULOUGH: Joe Rogan interview with Dr Robert Malone taken […]
