Watch carefully. Is this the future you want? New Zealand’s Vaccination Passport and contact tracing is the beginning of transition to this Social Credit based mass surveillance system. China is building a huge digital surveillance system. The state collects massive amounts of data from willing citizens: the benefits are practical, […]
It’s never been about public health, it’s always been about public control. The Beast is coming.Banned video released via Bitchute. NIGHTBREED NIGHTBREED
Enter Omicron. No, that’s not the new head of the Decepticons. It’s the new strain of Covid out of South Africa that is causing a hullabaloo. By Daisy Luther All around the world, people are getting fed up with draconian measures undertaken in the name of public safety. Although we’re not […]
Its almost as if they knew what was coming. Positively prophetic in fact… Killing Jokes’s lyric video for ‘I Am The Virus’ from the album, ‘Pylon’ – available via Spinefarm Records 23rd October 2015. Produced by Killing Joke and Tom Dalgety. Mixed by Tom Dalgety Pre-order the album & exclusive […]
Intelligence Agencies Monitor All Digital Communications – Nov 24, 2021 In the UK, GCHQ- Government Communications HQ I wouldn’t say anything online that I didn’t expect some traitorous stiff from CSIS (Cdn. Sec. Int. Svce) to read. 2013- Canada Spent Nearly One Billion Dollars to monitor its citizens Someone […]
Have you heard the news!? Scientists have detected a ‘nu’ variant of SARS-CoV-2 that ‘may’ cause worse forms of Covid-19. Sott.netSun, 28 Nov 2021 But fear not! The WHO has advised governments to jack up “surveillance, testing and reporting” on virus transmission, limiting international travel and “recommending” ever more boosters […]
Our government seems intent on discrimination and division by whatever means. Divide and Conquer in order to introduce a Totalitarian New World Order. Don’t kid yourself that any of this is about indigenous rights. As always they will use such causes (Climate Change and COVID being two others) as a […]
What you’ve got to look forward to New Zealand. Note the SIX booster shots lined up in this signage from Ireland, only two of which have been ticked so far. Welcome to your Digital Prison all those who signed up this tyranny. Your former freedoms are now a “privilege”. …and […]
Am I saying we are programmable? Hell yea! Think about it… We program our children as to how we desire they should perform by telling them over and over and over again what we want them to do. by Joyce Bowen What is malware? Malware is a catch-all term […]
This on my morning newsfeed. Newsroom lets the cat out of the bag. My goodness they are getting bold aren’t they? Actually talking about their New World Order openly. Last time they were this bold was the early 1990s. Just before the madness began. MH