Kate’s photoshopped image is all over the MSM and I wouldn’t normally bother, but there’s more than meets the eye to this story and plenty of speculation brewing. Did Kate Get Diana’d? The Podcast of the Lotus Eat Ning Li is a name that should be familiar to antigravity researchers […]
Ukraine was the original stage for strange sounds coming from the sky back in 2012, and there have been sporadic UFO reports throughout the current conflict. Will we see the return of the Dome of the Rock UFO? Will we be forced to divert our conflicts to unite against a […]
Two perspectives on the latest Russian threat. Note “un-named sources” as usual. Seems to me this another effort to drum up congressional funding based around “credible threat”. Nothing new there. I suspect the US is actually well ahead of the game on space-based weapons tech anyhow, but here’s Sandboxx YT […]
Controlling the Narrative? The snuck premise of “false claims” regarding Trump’s election defeat in 2020 is being used constantly by New Zealand’s mainstream media outlets (who are predominantly pro-Left). Without taking the trouble to do any independent research, one would conclude that Biden’s victory is an irrefutable fact. This may […]
As the Western world continues to swing towards the political Right Wing, many of us are rejoicing a reprieve from the liberal-progressive insanity of the Left. But are we being led into trap? Is the Left-Right divide a charade? David Sorenson thinks so, and a plot to bring forth a […]
Is Miami trying to cover up the “10-foot aliens/creature” from the public? Social media is trying to find out if aliens or Nephilim visited earth. The conspiracy theory of what really happened inside and outside the Miami mall is getting traction, and NOBODY has clear answers. If this was just […]
Former President Donald Trump said Thursday that his “legal issues” have been “set up” by President Biden and the Democrats, declaring that it is “their new form of cheating” in the election. Brooke SingmanFox NewsFri, 12 Jan 2024 © AP/The Telegraph.com/Getty Images/KJNNew York Attorney Letitia James • Former US President Donald Trump […]
This is the perfidious unreality of the “new normal”. It’s not just about deception or fakery or propaganda. It’s about breaking your spirit and your mind. Kit Knightly – Off-Guardian Jan 5, 2024 So, what’s with all the fake crying? Rachel Maddow pretended to cry about “kids in cages”. Matt Hancock […]
Amid all the hype surrounding the Epstein files unsealing, the MSM has been constantly hammering the Trump association. No doubt there’ll be a silence disturbed only by crickets or tumbleweeds now the facts are out. Or they’ll continue the line that his “name is mentioned”. Either way he isn’t going […]
How does the legacy media collude to destroy independent voices by systematically repeating the exact same messaging? This is how. Russell Brand 6.71M subscribers Support Me Directly HERE: https://rb.rumble.com WATCH me LIVE weekdays on Rumble: https://bit.ly/russellbrand-rumble