Chris Chappelle looks at the unfolding UFO developments with his usual humour and perceptiveness! MH A secret Pentagon UFO program started by Senator Harry Reid will release to the public information regarding UFO’s, that have been described as “not made on this earth.” Unidentified flying objects, also called unidentified aerial […]

Looks like UFOs are back on the menu, but what’s behind the latest revelations? MH JULY 24, 2020 By Elias Marat As secretive unit operating within the U.S. Department of Defense that is charged with investigating unidentified flying objects (UFOs) will make some of its findings public after it was revealed […]

“Just wear masks, wash hands, use sanitizer. We have 46,000 tested cases in this state of 6.2 million people and 1,500 dead and now heading into a second spike. Although these figures look and sound horrendous, considering this was the US epicenter at first, these figures are actually good. Mostly […]

Automated license plate readers on rural & city roads to find folk who avoid the law. Eighty four locations across the country that would need to be staffed, requiring 1260 soldiers & police. The new face of military law, sitting there in plain sight, awaiting the right moment to activate. by […]

After insisting for weeks that leaving one’s home or gathering in groups of any size was “irresponsible” and a “slap in the face” to medical professionals, doctors and nurses completely changed their minds.  Ryan McMakenIntellectual TakeoutMon, 13 Jul 2020 The prohibitionist view toward gatherings was specifically applied to those who protested […]
