Was SARS CoV-2 man made and if so by whom? First some illuminating figures: Hunger kills 9 million people every year. That’s 30 times more than SARS-CoV-2 and its alleged 365,000 deaths. It would cost between $7 and $249 billion to eradicate hunger. Meanwhile, the U.S. has already thrown more than $6 trillion at the coronavirus crisis. That […]

Very, very, disturbing. This sets a dangerous precedent: Is all non-conformance to be deemed psychopathic ? Watch out. MH Eric W. Dolan – Psypost.org June 7, 2020 New research provides some initial evidence that certain antagonistic personality traits are associated with ignoring preventative measures meant to halt the spread of […]

Ben Vidgen investigates strange goings-on over NZ through the (alleged) lockdown. Exhaustive research, be sure to check out all the links for the full story, MH Folk like Hyram Twang one of Dunedin’s most respected musicians and deemed a community stalwart all round town has just given an eye witness observation […]

Power politics of the 21st century has acquired a need for legitimacy. And quite rightly so. JUNE 22, 2020 By Dustin Broadbery Gone are the days of marauding despots, kings and thieves, unashamedly plundering, wreaking havoc and having first dibs on the common man’s virgin bride, all under the good name […]

I’ve always had an instinctive aversion to Tony Blair. Even before he became prime minister I sensed that there was something fundamentally dishonest about him. Subsequent events confirmed that. By wmw_admin on June 18, 2020 (Truthseeker.net)  June 17, 2020 Outwardly charming, he was a consummate liar who was ready to serve the elite and […]

Explosive revelations: Must Listen! Via theConTrail.com, thanks to Rose EXCLUSIVE: Bill Gates Negotiated $100 Billion Contact Tracing Deal With Democratic Congressman Sponsor of Bill Six Months BEFORE Coronavirus PandemicTruePundit (start the podcast at 1hr 25mins in…) BREAKING: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helped negotiate who would score a $100 billion government-backed Contact […]
