FOUND THIS ON MY MSN FEED TODAY< NO AUTHOR CREDITED: From Tuesday on, passengers traveling to the U.S. from 10 airports in eight Muslim-majority countries will not be allowed to have iPads, laptops or any communications device larger than a smartphone in the cabin of the plane. If you […]

David Rockefeller, Banker, Philanthropist, Heir, Dies at 101 by Heather Burke More stories by Heather Burke and Mark Schoifet @TheRealSchoifetMore stories by Mark Schoifet ‎21‎ ‎March‎ ‎2017‎ ‎3‎:‎31‎ ‎AM ‎21‎ ‎March‎ ‎2017‎ ‎4‎:‎56‎ ‎AM Heir to famed fortune was world’s oldest living billionaire Youngest grandson of Standard Oil founder John […] Washington’s Benevolent Mask Is Disintegrating Paul Craig Roberts The few weeks of Trump’s presidency suffice to make clear that there will be no change this time either. Normal relations with Russia are on the back burner, if not off the stove. The material needs of the military/security complex for […]

From Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show Ron Paul feared a Clinton presidency more than anything else. But He also knows that a planned depression awaits Donald Trump and this is where we are headed.   My wife’s late Uncle Bobby fought in World War II. at one Christmas […]
