Dentists & Doctors present the case to END FLUORIDATION AUCKLAND – SAT 29TH JUNE @7PM Freemans Bay Community Hall – Auditorium Please share.
Corporate Corruption
First Congress Member Allowed to Read Secret Treaty Says “There Is No National Security Purpose In Keeping This Text Secret … This Agreement Hands The Sovereignty of Our Country Over to Corporate Interests” Article
As per usual, the pro-fluoridation mafia is hitting back. We write this letter to arm you with some counter-arguments to their unscientific, simplistic mantras. Listed below are the main garbage claims you will hear, over and over again: What is in the water? – June 12, 2013 The Office of […]
“THE BIG EVENT” DOCTORS PRESENT THE CASE TO END FLUORIDATION – Meet the Doctors and Dentists that presented the information to End Fluoridation in Hamilton. Sat 29th June 7pm – 9pm ($5 door charge to cover costs) Community Hall, 52 Hepburn Street, Freemans Bay, Central Auckland
Appearing on Fox’s Studio B this afternoon, senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano gave a frank assessment of NSA leaker Edward Snowden as “an American hero” who went great lengths to expose “extraordinary violations” of fundamental American values within the government. “I describe this man has an American hero,” the […]
Dear friends across the Tasman, By now, most of you will be aware that The Hamilton city council voted 7-1 recently, to end fluoridation; and as per usual, the pro-fluoridation mafia is hitting back via their favourite propaganda outlet – the tame, unquestioning media. We write this letter to arm […]
The directors of Nestle must be breathing a sigh of relief as the world targets Monsanto with a barrage of negative publicity, global protests, and grassroots campaigns. While we’re all distracted by Monsanto’s GMO corruption of the food supply, Nestle is taking steps to profit off of the natural world […]
Official Bilderberg 2013 attendee list and agenda: Source