Spain’s women are turning to sex for money as their economy hemorrhages massively due to harsh austerity measures to pay for banker bailouts. [youtube]2kYJUNA7y98[/youtube] Source
Corporate Corruption
[ You might want to make sure you’re sitting down for this one ] Ben Swann’s Reality Check takes a look at history and present activities of the Federal Reserve Bank and whether the Fed needs to be audited. .
Preface: Not all banks are criminal enterprises. The wrongdoing of a particular bank cannot be attributed to other banks without proof. But – as documented below – many of the biggest banks have engaged in unimaginably bad behavior. You Won’t Believe What They’ve Done … Here are just some of […]
[ Fascism – is when Government and Big Business make policy in the interests of each other – at the expense of everyone else. This was forwarded via email – sans author’s name. Reprinted here in full with thanks and apologies to the author. If anyone knows who wrote this […]
Big banks have been caught in a massive scam to rig global interest rates, ripping off millions of people on their mortgages, student loans and more! We’d go to jail for this, but Barclays bank has only been fined, and just a fraction of their profits! Outrage is mounting – […]
The US administration is all hot and bothered to join the UN campaign to “ban small arms.” Noble, right? If so, then why are they OK with land mines and cluster bombs, so much so they will not join international agreements to ban those gruesome weapons? Would […] Binary Economics is really a modern Islamic Democratic market private property economics alternative to fiat money What matters is who makes the creation of Fiat money Producers and consumers must be the same people if there is to be balance and just outcomes. Therefore everyone must be enabled to […]
In a rare bipartisan consensus, and definitely without the expressed, written consent of The Bernank, the Houseof Representatives today overwhelmingly approved Ron Paul’s bill (H.R. 459) to provide for a complete audit of the Federal Reserve. All attention turns now to the Senate and the sister bill (S.202), where two […]