What’s happening here is happening everywhere. Over 1 million protestors angry protesters in 80 cities clashed violently with police who used rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse large crowds. The political turmoil in Spain continues to spiral out of control as police now find themselves battling not just against […]
Corporate Corruption
The Syrian opposition is doing a fine job as directed by the CIA. The connection between these “rebels” and the US government is uncanny. Mainstream media has downplayed the Western intervention into the Syrian conflict, referring to them as “pro-democracy campaigners” without admitting their political agendas or ties. The same […]
Libya gives Washington another beachhead for greater African adventurism. Sham elections installed him. The process was farcical. Illusion substituted for reality. Obama called his ascension “another milestone in the country’s transition to democracy.” EU leaders hailed “Libya’s first free elections.” They called them the “dawn of a new era.” Scoundrel […]
Why are Americans so fascinated with popular depictions of creatures who are both dead and alive? In recent years, Hollywood has provided an endless supply of reanimated, flesh eating corpses and blood sucking “undead.” The entertainment industry bears great responsibility for this state of affairs because it has become more […]
[ The District of Columbia – as seen from space. The red color is the spilled blood of war dead, and the light blue color are lakes – formed by the tears of the suffering ] . Many bankers, regulators and politicians have been caught in lie after lie and […]
[ A map of the Persian Gulf – the green area is Iran, red areas are countries with U.S. bases marked as yellow. To the North East lies the continent of Asia, and to the South West – the continent of Africa ] “It’s all about oil,” says CNN . […]
[ or putting it in a wheel barrow to walk down the street to buy a loaf of bread with it, whatever ] A transcript from the NY Federal Reserve reveals that the Federal Reserve know that global banking cartel was manipulating the most important interest rate in the world […]
[ It’s true. I used to work there. is not a state broadcaster. It is a crown owned corporation – and an ailing cash cow. Ad revenue comes first – using the deeply flawed ‘ratings’ system – the flaws of which are passed on to ad agencies – which are […]
Now that Obamacare has locked us into a system of medicine dominated by corrupt Big Phama companies, we are finding out more and more about what kind of ‘medicine’ we’ll be getting. Mike Adams, of Natural News, elaborates on the virtual wave of pharmaceutical company frauds now being exposed. Moreover, […]