Hindsight has finally arrived, and while still very murky, the fog of Covid is beginning to clear. Etana Hechtetana.substack.comSun, 10 Apr 2022 As a flood of Pfizer documents is released from the FDA, we’ll learn in more detail how 2021 unfolded, who knew what when, and how harmful the vaccines […]
Corporate Corruption
“Sadly the virus itself particularly the variant called Omicron is a type of vaccine, creates both B cell and T cell immunity and it’s done a better job of getting out to the world population than we have with vaccines. Serosurvey in African countries, 80% positive Chance of severe disease, […]
“I think you can tell, I am not a happy man”. One can see the and feel the shock and disgust in Campbell’s demeanor. The truth is out, so why isn’t the Mainstream Media reporting this? Who can we trust? MH The NZ mainstream media is funded by the government […]
Is it the biggest scandal in NZ history? Message from the author: ‘Silent No More’ is a story that every New Zealander must hear. This story is a tribute to the ‘Silent No More’ memorial service in front of parliament last week, it is a tribute to the Wellington Freedom […]
And not just the CDC, but all who follow the piper, including Aussie and NZ health ministries. MH Joe Wangbrownstone.org Joe Wang, Ph.D., was a lead scientist for Sanofi Pasteur’s SARS vaccine project in 2003. He is now the president of New Tang Dynasty TV (Canada), a media partner of […]
A good story synopsis: Daily Mail [UK] –REVEALED: Dr. Fauci SILENCED all Wuhan lab leak theories after being schmoozed by gain-of-function researcher Peter Daszak whose controversial bat experiments may have sparked the pandemic, new report claims Investigators allege Dr. Anthony Fauci silenced any discussion about COVID being caused by a lab leak – […]
If this were anyone else, there’d probably be an arrest warrant imminent. MH Forbes Breaking News1.26M subscribers On the Senate floor, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) displayed alleged business records of Hunter Biden.
For researchers who were testing Pfizer’s vaccine at several sites in Texas during that autumn, speed may have come at the cost of data integrity and patient safety. A regional director who was employed at the research organisation Ventavia Research Group has told The BMJ that the company falsified data, […]
Biden Inc’s Fingers in More Pies. by Lushington D. Brady The BFD 31 March, 2022 Hey, folks — ready to take another slippery-slide down the rabbit hole? When I reported on the Byzantine web of dark money, shady military-industrial labs and dodgy NGOs linking the astonishing network of U.S.-run bioweapons labs in the Ukraine […]
A deluge of information and insight from Joyce Bowen. Please be sure to visit Joyce Bowen’s blog, leave a comment and a “like”, let her know her amazing work is appreciated: https://joyce-bowen.blog/ Introduction by Joyce Bowen I’m just like everyone else. There are those of us who hoped Putin would […]