[youtube]k3ihFIVK8DQ[/youtube] as they continue to allow themselves be hoodwinked by their own nose-ring-led attempt to fool them into an ‘Orange vs Green’ paradigm.
Corporate Corruption
Tracks the change in food stamp participation on a national map since January 2007, as a percentage of each state’s population, while Sinatra sings I’ve got the world on a string. [youtube]z87XBKNto4Q[/youtube] Runs 90 seconds. Source
The world’s monetary systems are crashing and as a direct result economies all over the world are collapsing in tandem, at break neck speed with absolutely no sign or possibility of abating. We have reached the point of no return, that not even the most extreme plan of “fiscal responsibility” […]
& yes they are : Descending Horizontal Blasts At Speed Of Falling Debris [youtube]Fe8vXXrfDx8[/youtube] [ This is the very clip that clinched it for me. ]
Torture continues in Iraq, Afghanistan, elsewhere. We’ve got more illegal wars going at once than ever before. Habeas corpus has been formally ended. The Bagram-Gitmo archipelago is here to stay. Congress has practically dropped the pretense of a rule of law. Read the rest here
Unmanned U.S. drones in Pakistan have killed at least 45 suspected insurgents in several separate attacks in the last 24 hours – the second-highest daily death toll since the drone warfare campaign began in 2004. The drone strikes came just a day after the U.S. suspended $800 million of military […]
European Union leaders are poised to hold an emergency summit after finance ministers acknowledged for the first time that some form of Greek default may be needed to cut Athens’ debts and stop contagion to Italy and Spain. “There will be an extra summit this Friday,” a senior euro […]
One of the motives for the war against Libya is to stop the development of the black continent, to enable the setting up of an AfriCom military base in Cyrenaica and to begin the colonial exploitation of Africa [youtube]n1fUKa1mjmA[/youtube] for the benefit of the United States …
While NATO reports on the success of its bombing missions over Libya, some countries taking part in the campaign, don’t share that enthusiasm. Many in Spain say they’ve simply been dragged into war, under pressure from Washington. [youtube]n9OcQtB-V-8[/youtube]