Corporate Corruption
[Listen to my interview with David Ray Griffin, author of Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive? here. In it we discuss the evidence that OBL died in December 2001.] Osama Bin Bogeyman, the tribal chiefs tell us, has been ritually sacrificed: Slaughtered by warriors, then dumped into the ocean. But […]
A link to 2 website/blogs advising of the new planned raids on Te Whanau a Apanui. https://mauistreet.blogspot.com/2011/04/terror-raids-in-te-whanau-apanui-2.html & https://news.tangatawhenua.com/archives/11539
Donald Trump … … funded by his daddy …bailed out of impending bankruptcy by his daddy tells us how to run the world. The good news? Sara Palin is history. One clown per circus. Trump uncensored. Video: https://www.brasschecktv.com/page/1090.html – Brasscheck
My favourite scene from Good Will Hunting and pertinent to the principles of liberty in its condemnation of killing people abroad who have done no harm to you personally. [youtube]l8rQNdBmPek[/youtube] Taken to it’s logical conclusion this belief should lead anybody who holds it to a pure libertarian position; though most […]
April 26 (Bloomberg) – A growing number of high-end homes are selling at a loss or facing repossession by lenders in Las Vegas, which already has the highest rate of foreclosure filings among large U.S. cities. The wave of defaults that began with subprime borrowers and the unemployed has […]
Source: https://www.boingboing.net/2011/04/17/nz-mp-votes-for-anti.html A reader writes, “In a beautiful twist of irony, New Zealand parliament member Melissa Lee has been caught in a copyright quagmire. It turns out that just hours before she spoke out in support of the controversial new copyright law being rushed through parliament, she tweeted how pleased […]
[ awesome … ] [youtube]N6k7DaW4xmA[/youtube] BDS – Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions against Israeli company Primer marketing Dead Sea products in St. Luke’s Westfield Mall Auckland, New Zealand – Action taken on 23 April 2011 In 2005, Palestinian civil society issued a call for a campaign of boycotts, divestment and sanctions […]
The objective of the war against Libya is not just its oil reserves (now estimated at 60 billion barrels), which are the greatest in Africa and whose extraction costs are among the lowest in the world, nor the natural gas reserves of which are estimated at about 1,500 billion cubic […]