Nearly five years after they snuck onto the BBC as Dow Chemical and took full responsibility for the Bhopal catastrophe (sending Dow’s stock plunging – see, [youtube]ZzpJk47U3Os[/youtube] the Yes Men are interviewed by the BBC. [youtube]A7DzR11FRg8[/youtube]
Corporate Corruption
The mainstream finally gets around to asking why no banksters have been jailed for the 2008 meltdown; the G20 moves on its aim of establishing a world financial order; and the puppets-in-chief admit it’s all about regime change in Libya. [youtube]av9akS59EAM[/youtube]
The US bombing of Libya in support of rebel clients in the spring of 2011 is part and parcel of a sustained policy of military intervention in Africa since at least the mid 1950’s. According to a US Congressional Research Service Study [1] published in November 2010, Washington has dispatched […]
An insightful and intelligent documentary, What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom (2007) by producer, Adam Curtis (The Power of Nightmares). The series consists of three one-hour programmes which explore the concept and definition of freedom, specifically, “how a simplistic model of human beings as self-seeking, almost robotic, creatures led […]
The regime of King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa in Bahrain, which the Obama administration backs to the hilt, is continuing its violent repression of political opposition. The Khalifa regime imposed a state of emergency, after its security forces, backed by troops from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, […]
In “Private Warriors,” FRONTLINE (2005), correspondent Martin Smith travels throughout Kuwait and Iraq to give viewers an unprecedented behind-the-scenes look at companies like Kellogg, Brown & Root, a Halliburton subsidiary, and its civilian army. [youtube]YZ0WJJ0v3xQ[/youtube] “Private Warriors” also explores a very different kind of contractor – the private world of […]
Americans are recognizing the link between the military-industrial complex and the Wall Street oligarchs — a connection that goes back to the beginning of the modern U.S. empire. Banks have always profited from war because the debt created by banks results in ongoing war profit for big finance; and because […]