In a nutshell: It was a CONSPIRACY. No theory about it. MH Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers […]
Corporate Corruption
Kiwi readers will be aware of the catastrophe of massive concentrations of lead in the water in two Otago townships. Almost six months after receiving the first positive test results, the council finally advised Waikouaiti and Karitāne residents this week not to use tap water. Naturally the residents want answers and the […]
NOTE FROM JEFF: This post contains a great amount of leading-edge information on Agenda CO2-vid 19/21, history of big pharma, origins of ‘conspiracy theory’, the vax: what’s in it for you…comprehensive “The Earth metabolizes, its charges and discharges parallel to the fluctuations of biological life and human culture…the cyclic patterns […]
Game-Stop’s game stopped, Mandatory Mask Madness and Munching Mealworms. Let the lunacy loose! The Outer Light 78.7K subscribers 🤗 Help support my channel: ❇️ 👁 📄… 3Speak: Chat-room: 👾
James (he gives his last name in the video) is a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant), and he recorded this video as a whistleblower because he could not keep silent any longer. by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News James reports that in 2020 very few residents in the nursing home where he […]
This is real journalism with balls. Veritas goes for the Jugular! NYT Begs Court to Dismiss Veritas Defamation Lawsuit; Admits Article Inaccuracies Under Oath! Project Veritas 856K subscribers SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL! Support our work with tax deductible donation: Sign up to get our emails:… Follow us on […]
At 70 years old he should be retired anyhow! MH Jan. 25, 2021 at 2:49 pm Updated Jan. 25, 2021 at 10:23 pm By Katherine Rosman and MATTHEW GOLDSTEINThe New York Times The founders of Apollo Global Management, one of the world’s biggest private equity firms, engaged in a brief power struggle this weekend […]
As the number of vaccines for children increases every year, the number of autistic children is rising at an alarming rate. Despite all the evidence that vaccines can cause autism in some children, Big Pharma and the elites are still pushing mandatory vaccination more than ever. From After a […]
Full disclosure: This author isn’t strictly an “anti-vaxxer” as the MSM label defines. I’m more of a “pro-choicer”. But the new COVID vaccine trials and rollouts are generating some worrying reports. MH Do your research, make an informed choice, don’t be pressured or bullied. That’s my standard response on vaccines […]
An internet service provider (ISP) in the North Idaho and the Spokane, Washington, area has decided to block Facebook and Twitter for its customers after some called in to complain about censorship on the platforms. Alana MastrangeloBrietBartMon, 11 Jan 2021 The ISP, Your T1 WIFI, confirmed that it will block […]