This is not a leg-pull! Over the past few days various alt. news and social media platforms have been buzzing with two rather satanic and unlikely sounding tidbits of trivia, usually mentioned in the same breath. But is it just fake news or for real? by Martin Harris with thanks […]
Corporate Corruption
Now that governments and mass media have successfully colluded to create the illusion of a worldwide ‘pandemic’, a U.K. ‘think tank’ headed by ex-Prime Minister, Tony Blair, is trying to convince the beleaguered public that we should now accept massive government surveillance of our lives so that we won’t have to go […]
I have been asked to share the following communication with Uncensored readers, authored by Robert Eady. Some of you may agree or disagree with this letter in whole or in part. All I can say is follow the advice of Chris Hedges: “Condemnation without investigation is proof of indoctrination” and […]
History matters. by Jon Rappoport April 20, 2020 If the World Health Organization (WHO) deceived the world into fear and panic THEN, in 2003, why should you believe them NOW re COVID, when both instances involve epidemics? As some readers will recall, in 2003 the World Health Organization (WHO) put […]
A Facebook fact checker who has ‘debunked’ articles suggesting that COVID-19 may have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) has a giant conflict of interest; she worked at the institute – which is now suspected of accidentally leaking the hyper-virulent virus which has killed over 130,000 people and cast the global […]
The video was released on Good Friday. by Fabrizio Bulleri April 13, 2020 Microsoft’s new mixed reality headset, the HoloLens 2, was featured in a commercial and campaign starring artist Marina Abramović, who is known for promoting and practicing arts such as Spirit Cooking. 73-year-old Abramović is one of the […]
What did they know and when? by Martin Harris 17/4/2020 Note: Emphasis in the quotes and excerpts are mine MH. The World Health Organization Tweeted, on 14 January 2020, the following statement: And yet, according to a science journal report published January 23, 2020: …by January 10, 2020, researchers from […]
Dramatic political and social decisions are being made across the United States and around the world on what emergency quarantine measures and other steps must be taken. by F. William Engdahl New Eastern Outlook In many cases the radical and severe measures, such as shutting down the world economy, are […]
Brilliant work from the supercharged mind of Ben Vidgen! 5G is not responsible for Covid 19. Nature and Man is all Hidden Figures – a numbers Game. An idea that 5G pop up don’t match the major cluster which exceed the areas where 5G has popped up.On the surface a […]
Uncensored has recently highlighted Tedros’s role in the COVID19 debacle. Now the US administration is pulling it’s substantial aid from this puppet organisation. What can YOU do to help? Now’s your chance to act and make your voice count: On January 23rd, 2020. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declines to declare China […]