Admirable demolition job from this brave Aussie Senator! Can’t say I’m a great fan of Hansen’s party, but on this matter her man Roberts has got it right. Facts are facts and evidence and lies are lies. MH Independent scientists and its own authors have condemned this UN Intergovernmental Panel […]

British politicians turned a blind eye to the sexual abuse of children and actively covered up allegations over decades, an independent inquiry into historical sex offences in Westminster has found. Elizabeth Howcroft – Reuters Feb 25, 2020 The inquiry did not find evidence of an organised paedophile network in its […]

The BBC announced Monday that they’re making a “documentary series” about the life of teenaged climate activist Greta Thunberg, and British taxpayers, who fund the BBC, are definitely not happy that their tax dollars are going to pay for “climate propaganda.” Emily Zanotti – The Daily Wire Feb 11, 2020 […]

If spreading radioactive waste on American roads was no big deal, environmentalists and scientists probably wouldn’t be freaking out; and, of course, people and animals wouldn’t be getting sick and dying.  So how did this practice become legal and even celebrated by elected officials? February 15, 2020 By B.N. Frank […]
